You want to do great at the guitar but there’s that voice in your head that says you can’t.
It happens to everyone who first starts playing the guitar.
This is called the JOKERS voice, playing jokes on you.
Because that’s what it is, a joke, if you know you will some day become great at the guitar.
So how do we go about dealing with this voice in our minds?
I’ll tell you exactly how! You’ll just have to keep on reading to find out…..
How Deal With That JOKER Voice Of Yours!

ONE way to deal with this voice is to keep playing the guitar no matter what.
Whether you keep having thoughts that you’ll never make it to super stardom or if you just want to be good at it on a normal level where you just want to play it to entertain your circle of people and friends.
As you begin to get better at the guitar you’ll realize that, that JOKER voice of yours gets less and less.
Because there’s nothing like getting some songs under your belt that makes you say to your self, “you know, maybe I can get somewhere with this guitar playing.”
Another Way To Deal With That JOKER Voice

Another way to deal with that JOKER voice is to learn three or more songs. What? Three or more songs? Yes!! You’ll see that as you learn just three songs it will really boost your confidence that you can really learn songs on the guitar if you really want to.
Once you do that you will notice the JOKERS voice will not be talking as much because you will have a mindset that says, “look at me, I can play some songs.”
Play With Friends

As you play with friends it will stop a lot of those JOKER thoughts.
Because there’s nothing like having fun with friends playing the guitar with them, no matter what instrument they play.
The same way being with friends makes you not have as much thoughts of failure compared to when you’re alone by yourself.
Yes, you have less thoughts of failure when you’re jamming with them or playing the guitar to them, your friends.
Using Tips Gets Rid Of A Lot Of JOKER Thoughts

You see, when you use all the tips that books, tablets, cellphones and friends tell you to do on the guitar. All of a sudden, the thoughts of you not getting anywhere playing the guitar or making progress on it, suddenly begin to disappear more and more.
Which it really is to your benefit to use tips that you have heard and read. You’ll become a super powerhouse of the guitar if you take a lot of tips of the guitar and apply them, meaning do the tips, turn them into action and really do them.
But you’re going to have to do a lot of tips not just a few tips but hundreds of different tips.
Is it possible to do hundreds of tips on the guitar? Yes it is possible. When you see a professional musician playing the guitar, you are seeing a person who has done lots of tips, hundreds of tips.
That’s why they are where they are at the guitar, that’s why they are good at the guitar because, not only have they read about tips and had tips told to them, they are doing the tips they have learned about the guitar.
And for that, they are rewarded being a great at the guitar, being a famous musician, a professional at the guitar.
So do your tips about the guitar and one day you too may be a great at the guitar and famous at the guitar, where millions of people know you’re great at the guitar, if you so desire.
Watch Other Musicians Play The Guitar

Just watching other musicians play the guitar, works wonders on those JOKER thoughts of yours.
Those JOKER thoughts that play jokes on you, that fool you you into thinking you can’t get better at the guitar or thoughts that make you think you can’t even play the guitar. These are called JOKER thoughts, as you already know since you been reading this article.
Yes, watch musicians play the guitar. Whether that be in real life or on television or the internet, as well as on YouTube.
What this will do will cause you to see where they place their hands on the guitar, which are the areas, places or sections of the guitar.
You will notice when you do this, that your JOKER thoughts of you can’t do what they do on the guitar, will be changed to, “Hey! If they can do it, I can do it.
Then you’ll realize that the jokes on him, so to speak, that the JOKER thoughts are being diminished by quite a lot, as you imitate what you see musicians doing on the guitar.
Then you’re becoming better and better at the guitar the more you look at other musicians and do what they are doing on the guitar.
Which does make you have less JOKER thoughts as you do this.
The JOKER thoughts will stop eventually, just like it does for famous musicians.
You see famous professional musicians like Slash, John Mayer, Eddie Van Halen, etc…….. don’t have JOKER thoughts anymore.
They used to have those thoughts when they first started and as they were not too good at the guitar but now they don’t have JOKER thoughts.
Of course they still have JOKER thoughts as far as wanting to play a certain way of some other famous musicians they know and to be able to do their style exactly like them but as far as playing the great way there own selfs play, no JOKER thought will cause them to get discouraged playing.
Even the band KISS wishes they can play certain ways but they know they are already famous so why sweat it, why even have JOKER thoughts that will stop them from playing, they say to themselves.

They don’t have to worry about it because they already entertain the whole world, it would be crazy for them to give in to JOKER thoughts.
Will You Let JOKER Thoughts Stop You From Playing?

It’s up to you if you want those JOKER thoughts to stay in your mind when it comes to the guitar.
Where you go on the guitar is all up to you.
If you excel on the guitar then you will have less JOKER thoughts.
Especially if you reach professional status on the guitar.
If you, like a lot of people, give up playing guitar, then you will have a lot more JOKER thoughts to put up with, if you were one of those who really wanted to play the guitar to begin with.

But of course if you have come to yourself and say at least I tried to play guitar and I will never play guitar again, then maybe you will not have to put up with JOKER thoughts.
Maybe if you kept trying to play the guitar and failed but you keep having JOKER thoughts after giving up the guitar then maybe you need to rise up and play the guitar again.
Rise to the occasion and become great at the guitar, so that you will never have JOKER thoughts again.

Photo credits:
Sad black and white JOKER photo courtesy of Redmond from
The word JOKER photo courtesy of Sam-Cat from
JOKER laughing with hands in the air photo courtesy of dbgg1979 from
Heath Ledger JOKER photo courtesy of Cavin from
JOKER with clear, colorful, crystal ball photo courtesy of Claudia Dea from
Ryan Peake lead guitarist with Nickelback live on stage photo courtesy of James Anderson:
Eddie Van Halen playing intense guitar photo courtesy of Carl Lender:
John Mayer playing guitar photo courtesy of Julio Enriquez: