I became intrigued, VERY intrigued, at, what on earth is the Busker History? Conjured up in my mind after learning the Busker technique for chords on the guitar. I think you’ll be intrigued by their history too.
I’ll explain Busker History. I know you’ll care to join me.
Busker History How It All Started
Busker history has spawned some great stars, some of which you never knew, were buskers at one point in there lives. Like Jimi Hendrix, yes Jimi Hendrix was known to play in the streets. Which is what busker means: To play in the streets.
Whether it is guitar playing, or straight of, of playing, of flutes, bag pipes or other things as devise as juggling or street magic. As well as singing also. And lots of other things you can think of, for entertaining people on the streets.
Although busking is used for payment from others for the use of their services of entertaining people, it can also be used simply for using it to make people happy and not accepting money. Which some Stars have been know to entertain on the streets, and refuse payment from the crowds, as Paul McCartney and other Super Stars have been known to do.
Busking actually started in the 11th century, but the Romans were the ones who came up with name busking. Before the Romans came up with that name busking, it was called many other different names in other countries. And still goes by different names today. We in the United States like to use the word Busking.
We in the United States love calling it The Busker Technique on guitar. Made famous by a guy on YouTube named, “dancetech” in which you can find his videos by typing into YouTube, this: “Learn To Play Guitar The Fastest Way – The Busker Technique 1” He didn’t invent it, he just popularized it, on YouTube. He’s everywhere on YouTube. When you want to find a quick and easy and QUALITY way to play guitar, he’s the guy to go to.
Pass The Hat Around To Be Entertained
Buskers have been known to pass the hat around, of course. And they have also used guitar cases, boxes and tin cans to collect donations for themselves because they entertained you. Which sometimes doesn’t work for their advantage because of thieves who prey on this weakness to extort well earned income that the Buskers have made for themselves.

And the thieves like to steal. One way the selfish thieves do this is by reaching into their donations boxes, and act like they are giving into it but they are taking from it. Thankfully this doesn’t happen as often, because of the wrath of the crowd and the Buskers, if they ever catch them doing this.
Because they are walk by acts, this causes everyone to see them. Which also means they draw attention to themselves. Which is good. But sometimes it can also get them in hot water, because they are having so much fun, that they forget sometimes, that they are getting loud with all there acts.

Whether it be with there acrobatics. Or their musical performances. Or other things that they do. They can get quite loud. And also the crowds around them can get loud. Which can sometimes lead to complaints from citizens annoyed or trying to sleep.
Buskers who have been doing this a long time, know how to deal with this, as they know their rights. And tend to calm Police interactions quite nicely. As most cities in the United States love Buskers, because they keep the crime rate down, wherever they go.
Because people are having such a good time watching them, they, the buskers, don’t have time to get in trouble, if they are so inclined.
Buskers always have there own areas, or sections that they like to go to, if they can but sometimes people will take their spot. This can sometimes cause them not to make as much money because the larger the crowd, the more money they make, in some cases. But of course, sometimes small crowds have been known to give more.

Also the better the performance the more money Buskers can make because people are so enthralled with their act that they tend to give more. Which Buskers like because they worked for it, by them entertaining you.
Although Buskers love performing, they thoroughly enjoy it. It’s like being on America’s Got Talent to them, it’s that exciting to them. As is evident in their LARGER than life shows or performances. Or one man shows that they do. But they like to get rewarded for it by anywhere from money to gifts, to food, to drinks, and praise.
How To Be A Busker
It’s simple to be a Busker. All you gotta do is just grab a guitar, go on the streets, and start playing. Well, it’s not THAT easy. But you do have to know a skill or multiple skills to be able be a Busker or a street performer.
And of course, you do have to be quite good at it because people won’t like to pay you or listen to you, if you give shoddy or sorry performances. You will need to UP your game, as they say, if you want to be any good in giving good performances.
Yes, that’s what perform means, to perform. And people are going see all your flaws, if you have any.

Because you know how people are, we like to compare one act to the other. Who’s the best and who’s not. Who did better and who did not do as good, always judging, as is evident on the show AMERICA’S GOT TALENT or AMERICAN IDOL. Where people on the show are constantly judged or critiqued. Which CAN be a good thing or can be a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. As some take criticism and make their self better because of it. And some some can’t handle it and either give up, or get mad about it.
But if you want to be a street performer or a Busker then you’re going to have to work on your craft. Whether it be anywhere from a street magician, or a singer, a dancer, or dancers where you perform with other dancers. Or a juggler or guitarist, or make a musical performance and go BIG with it, and make ALL this EXORDINAR! as they say it, which means EXTRAORDINARY for short.

Yes there are a lot of things you can do. A lot of things you can think of to do. Pick one or two or more than that if you’re so inclined, and go do it, be a Street Performer, be a Busker.
The Laws Of Busking
If you’re gonna busk, you’re going to have to know the laws of busking. This is a must to know. Especially in the larger cities like New York or California, where not knowing the law and how to deal with it, can lead you into some hot water. In this day in age of frivolous lawsuits. Buskers are open to people who can falsely accuse them of things they didn’t do. Anywhere from saying they got hurt by a performance, or blocking traffic, or any other number of things.

A prepared Busker is a safe Busker. By knowing what to say to the Police or false accusers, gives you a greater chance of not falling victim to lawsuits, bad police behavior, or false accusations, or any other things.
A prepared Busker is a safe Busker. By knowing what to say to the Police or false accusers, gives you a greater chance of not falling victim to lawsuits, bad police behavior, or false accusations, or any other things. People tend to not mess with people with knowledge of the law, than people who don’t know the law. So know your laws of your state and city in which you live in, or plan to go to.
One law, THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, that is, protects freedom of speech. This weapon in hand protects Buskers tremendously. Because the very things they do includes having to talk to people at times. Whether that is the loud noises they tend to make by their singing, guitar playing, street performances etc. The Constitution affords them the right to do these things, so long as it’s not stepping over into violating the local laws.

One of the local laws they can violate are loud noise. Where some cities have noise volume levels of how high the music can be. Which incidentally also makes them have to play at only certain hours of the day, because some people may be sleeping.
Another local law they can also violate is not having a license. In some cities this is required.
Another law they have to watch out for is COMMON LAW. Which to me is just COMMON sense to me. Because everyone one should know not to block traffic, or prevent people from exiting or entering buildings or houses, or do anything that can endanger people. Which is what the COMMON LAW says you can’t do.
Related Questions
What other names are there for buskers? Buskers can also go by the name of street performers or street entertainers. Their lesser known names which occur in other countries are troubadours, jongleurs, trouveres, Minnesingers, Spielleute, skomorokh and Mariachis.
What are some things that buskers do? Buskers are known to do acrobatics, twist balloons, escape tricks, contortions, juggle, street magic, tell stories, art works, ventriloquism, caricatures, musical performances, one man bands, snake charming, dance and comedy.