KBX released his first rock album in 2019. But who is KBX?…. You’re about to find out…..
Ever since KBX was 19 he had a strong desire to play the guitar. This occurred when he was listening to that great band that every one knows, Metallica.
It was listening to their popular album, “Ride The Lightning,” that he knew that he would take on the guitar, that is, start playing the guitar.
And play the guitar he did.
But of course he would have to start at the beginning like everyone else, who first starts playing the guitar.
As all beginners of the guitar find out that they don’t have a clue how to accomplish this massive feat of playing the guitar.
Luckily for KBX his dad did pointed him in the right direction by showing him some chords, and he took it from there and applied his own spin to what his dad had showed him.
Because it was with these chords that he applied them to to his, you guessed it, his ear.
Letting his ear be the guide.
And make no mistake, no one can criticize his guitar playing skills and the way it sounds.
A kaleidoscope of sounds come out of his guitar, all the way from straight up rock and roll, to modern sounds of the time.
Having been shown in his album that he just released to the public, as he has sold a number of them on the streets.
This album is called, “KBX Rock Hard.”
Having received mixed reviews as people always do when you produce an album but no one ever says that his guitar playing is not good. Everyone says it is great!
So how do you become great at the guitar like KBX?
Glad you asked because I’m about to show you how……
Don’t worry, I’ll keep this lesson [[[very]]] short and to the point, as I explain how KBX learned the guitar.
And if you’re lucky, I might just interview him in this article, also.
Let’s get started!
KBX’s Guitar Lesson

KBX knows the keys of the guitar, so knowing that he knows that for every key there is a high and low of sounds that will come about as he is playing the guitar.
He’s played the guitar long enough to know exactly where to put his fingers on the guitar, with an assortment of chords and single notes.
Chords like barre chords, open chords, power chords and double stops.
Of course there is more to it than this but this is just a condensed lesson of how to play the guitar by ear.
You’ll have to do your homework of how to play the guitar by ear by either reading about it through this website or by other great websites that also teach you how to play the guitar by ear like, www.superprof.us (click here to check it out) and globalguitarnetwork.com (click here to check it out)
And believe it or not you can learn how to play the guitar by ear on sites like Reddit (reddit.com) and Quora (quora.com) Just type in, on their search, “how to play the guitar by ear” or something similar.
Yes, some sites that teach guitar tabulator (tab) like, Ultimate Guitar, (ultimate-guitar.com) can actually help you figure out how to play the guitar by tab and not by ear.
Although sometimes they don’t have accurate tabs from time to time, it can actually help get you there to figuring out the songs, if you just use your ears to figure out the rest that you can’t figure out by playing by ear.
The Interview Of KBX

Playguitarbyearanysong.com: So what where your first albums like?
KBX: Well my first couple of albums were actually hip hop albums with a little bit of rap in them.
Finally made a rock album which I recently released.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: Why did you switch from hip hop to rock music recently?
KBX: I have done rap music from 2002 to 2018 and released five albums in a row from 2009 to 2013. Given the competition in the rap scene as well as being a little burnt out on the genre, I decided to try rock which has always been 2nd place to my rap work but now it is my main focus. I wanted to see if I really could make a rock album and also to expand my talents.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: What made you pick up the guitar?
KBX: I was listening to, “Ride The Lightning,” a song by Metallica, I knew right then that I wanted to play the guitar.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: What would you say to the heavily influenced hip hop mumble rap young kids nowadays about playing the guitar?
KBX: Stop rapping, start rocking.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: Well of course! (Laughs) But we all know that at playguitarbyearanysong.com, we know that even though mumble rap has its own sound, it also does have guitar in it, here and there, through out their songs.
KBX: Actually I would most likely say to young people and all people, just do something for fun, not for money. Its more enjoyable when you aren’t stressing over business.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: NICE!
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: So what do you have on your horizons on your next rock album?
Or do you just want to keep us all in suspense and come up with a new rock sound and album that shocks the music industry?
KBX: The next album will have more effort put into it production wise and in terms of the way songs are written. It’ll be a huge leap forward. There are new songs being written new for it, as well as some sitting on the shelf from years prior.
Playguitarbyearanysong.com: Well thanks for the interview, great talking to you, peace!!! And rock out!!!
KBX: Anytime man!!! ROCK HARD!!!!
KBX’s Musical History On Video. Must Watch!
KBX Introduces New Rock Album

Some Songs Of KBX
I Don’t Care song by KBX:
I Hate My Job song by KBX:
Bleed song by KBX:
Dracula song by KBX:
Breaking The Law (Judas Priest cover) song by KBX:
Same song from above that you just listened to but this one below is in its raw stages:
KBX Playing Bass Guitar
KBX Can Rap Also
KBX rapping outside, in da hood, his song, “MASTERMIND,” check it out below!
KBX rapping, “Murder He Wrote.” Give it a listen, below!
The Early Days Of KBX On Video

If You See KBX Out On The Streets
If you so happen to get lucky and see KBX out on the streets, say what’s up to him and ask him about his musical career because you may see him among the stars one day, that is, him playing with rock stars on stage and TV, as well as YouTube.
You will have witnessed a star in the making!