The guitar can be used for family time, bring it back to where the family used to gather around to listen to each other play the guitar, whether some knew how to play it or not.
Back in the 1950’s, families used to gather around the table to eat, especially supper, which occurred at evening everyday, more or less.
You talk about NOT eating with the family for supper at evening and you’d be met with intense anger from your family. Especially your mom and if your grandmother was around during that time, even MORE anger from her.
I should know, it wasn’t the 1950’s I grew up in, in fact, I wasn’t even born yet but my family held on to the standard of eating as a family from time to time. But if I’m honest, we weren’t like other families that would be extremely strict and eat at evening all the time.
But whether your family was a stiff, strict, family or not…. most families now a days are loose and I mean VERY, VERY loose because no one eats as a family today in strict fashion, at the same time. Yeah some do but it is rare.
But one thing that never should go away is family time, a time of gathering to see your brothers and sisters and mom and dad and grandmothers.

Yeah, it’s a time of broken families but it doesn’t mean you have to have a broken family.
Whether you have a family that gets along with each other or not, you can STILL get together with them from time to time because no matter how far you may have grown apart, there is SOMETHING about your brothers and sisters and mom and dad that keeps you wanting to be around them, from time to time, whether you get along with them or not.
It’s like a magnet, a compelling of sorts, that draws you back to each other.
One way of getting families together with each other is that of talking, we ALL like to talk, some more than others but our mouths cause us to get around each other, we can’t help it, we were created to be social.
Which is why people in prison go insane when they are thrown in solitude or the more famous words, solitary confinement, or in prison slang, the hole or the cooler or in more medieval times, the dungeon.
The reason why prisoners go insane is because they have no social interactions with others while being in the hole or in solitary confinement, even the words cause you to freak out when you really think about it, because you know it means, we can’t talk to nobody, no girl friend, no boy friend, no mom, nobody.
Which will make anybody go insane, if left alone for to long. It is as they say, makes a grown man cry.
But good thing you’re not in there, which gives you every reason to socialize. So socializing with your family, gives you all kinds of things you can do with them.
Lots of families just like to talk to each other, no matter where they are. They can be at the supermarket, baseball fields, outside rendezvous or hanging out, with each other.

Hanging out with family is, fun, fun, fun. And you thought hanging out with your friends was fun. [laughs]
One thing that brings families together, that no one does hardly anymore is the playing of the guitar with each other. Yes, some families will play board games with each other and now families will play Xbox and PlayStation’s with each other now, at least, brothers against brothers.
But playing a guitar around family is like nothing else, it causes great joy and happiness, even if you don’t know how to play it. There is just something about it.
It’s something that causes interaction, as it causes you to listen and look at whosoever is playing the instrument.
Adds a spark of electricity to all in the room and happiness. Especially if you know how to play it, then it really causes a spark.
Learn your barre chord, just ONE and open chords and your halfway there or at least part of the way of mastering the guitar. And causing happiness to others, as great guitar tunes that we like, always causes a smile to our face.
Let your ear be your guide when you learn your barre chord and move it up and down the neck of the guitar, mastering your coordination of it.
And when you hear the song go up, you go up the neck of the guitar with the barre chord.
And when you hear the song go down in key, you go down in key with the barre chord.
Easy, yes, it’s that simple, but of course you’ll have to keep practicing till you have good flow, as they say.
Need an ol guitar to play with? With your family?….. That way EVERYONE in your family can play. Because that’s what families are for, for sharing and giving to each other.
Don’t try to act like this is a new age or a new era where we don’t need families. So get you an acoustic-electric guitar, that way, those who like to play acoustic, can play acoustic, in your family.
Or those those in your family who like electric, can play electric. ALL with one guitar that does it ALL! Click here to check this beast out, on Amazon, to SEE it, a guitar that ANY family would enjoy, my friend!
And of course, don’t leave out your open chords or the Busker Method by dancetech, which has other names also, which some call the rock chord way, which professionals use all the time in their hits songs.
Check out the video below and find out how to play them. Also check out dancetech’s other videos on YouTube, he has great videos you DON’T want to miss, ever. Peace!
Related Questions:
What did families eat for lunch back in the 1950’s? The term, I’m a meat and potatoes type of guy was more prevalent, they tended to eat chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy. They also ate sandwiches a lot, with the works of tomatoes, lettuce and sorts. Comfort food, as it made you feel real good.
How did families in the 1950’s spend their time with each other? Since TV’s weren’t hugely popularized yet, people tended to read the newspaper or listen to the radio. They played board games together, rather than computer games. Spending their time together in their living rooms a lot and outside.