
Large meteor speeding and falling from space, very, very, fast.

Top 5 GREATEST Guitar Tips Of All Time!

Like the title says, The GREATEST Guitar Tips. We here at play guitar by ear any song believe in getting you the BEST, that way you won’t be flying around everywhere all the time looking for said information. Welcome to PLAY GUITAR BY EAR ANY SONG website. Beginners welcome, Professionals […]

Man wearing cool saying T-shirt that says, “Those who fear the Thorns will never pick the Roses.”

6 Tips That Guitar Beginners Mostly Ignore

I think we all have ignored advice that others have told us on the guitar. These things hurt us getting better on the guitar. I’m here to list ((((some)))) 6 tips you shouldn’t ignore. You shouldn’t ignore this tip # 1: Record yourself playing guitar. Record yourself playing guitar so […]

An excited rock band playing their instruments with enthusiasm.

Make An Unbelievably Famous Band Now

Now let’s be honest, being a real famous rock star is a long shot. But for some…. it’s a shot worth taking. They say in life if you want to do good, you got to hang around someone to become like that person. Another good one is, imitate who you […]

Usher dancing with hand to ear with musicians behind him and large projection screen behind him, of his projection image. Usher SAP Arena (cropped).jpg photo courtesy of D.roller.saparena.

Imitation The Art Of The Musician And Stars

This article is more entertaining than instructional, I ain’t gonna lie. But then again, you’ll learn that through it all, that playing the guitar by ear is all about imitating music…. and what you see in your mind. Imitation! Everywhere you go there is imitation. Imitation on T.V., imitation on […]

Man with hand up, talking to help someone.

Mistakes Not To Be Made On Guitar

Yeah, I know it’s fun to make mistakes on the guitar because sometimes it opens you up to new possibilities of making you bounce around to new ideas and things of the guitar. But don’t make mistakes if you don’t have to, that way you progress faster…….. Yeah I know […]