Have you ever wanted to make rock hits that hit the top ten charts? And make some cash in the process?
Some songwriters write whole hits by themselves but sometimes they team up with one or more people to write hits, just like the Beatles. The Beatles, if you didn’t know it, were song writing machines, using the four of them to come up with songs. Sometimes even writing them down before they even began to sing and play them.
Songwriting Machines And The Money You Can Make
But one things for sure, the Beatles sure had fun writing songs. If you think they didn’t have fun creating songs, then you’re crazy. And that’s how you should approach making songs, approach it as having fun. Not some crazy way to make money. But as a way to have fun. And if you approach it this way then you will make money.

I know that’s crazy but if you do it to make money you’ll get no money but if you do it for fun you’ll get money. Now I know that you can make money if you’re doing it only for money but don’t you think it would be more fun to do it for fun?
But I think that could be my new saying: Don’t do it to make money or you’ll get no money but do it for fun and you’ll get money…..Or maybe I should say: Don’t do it to make money or you’ll have no fun, do it for fun and you’ll make money. Take your pick of my sayings and see which one you like the best.
Now I know you can’t always take sayings as truth but you can use them as a starting point, of what you want to do!
Ok enough of the sayings, let’s get back to the Beatles story I was just talking about. But if you’re ever going to write hit songs, then you’re going to need help. Even if you wrote a hit all by yourself, then you’re going to need help getting it before the right people or should I say the BIG CORPORATION, the machine, so to speak.
This is what the Beatles did. They got their songs to the music corporation first after they wrote them, when they first started and even after they became famous. They would have to release their songs to their music producers.
I know that’s crazy but if you do it to make money you’ll get no money but if you do it for fun you’ll get money.
Every contract requires a selection of songs to be done after you sign the contract. This is what happened to Prince, he had to produce a certain amount of songs every time he signed with a different record company. Which he did a number of times, until he made his own record company.

Prince even called record companies “slavery.” and “being in a record contract is slavery” he claimed. He also warned other musicians… “don’t sign.”
But if you want to make your hit songs where you play them and write them, then you’re going to have to think about, do you want someone controlling you, of when to create them?
And them possibly barking at you to come up with more hit songs when you’re not in the mood to make anymore? Because possibly you’ve already made some hits and you just want a break now but because you’re locked into a record contact you’re gonna have to do it anyway?
This is what happened to Prince he felt the record company he was dealing with was not allowing him to be creative. They just wanted him to keep pumping out hits after hits. Whether he was in a creative mood or not.
Princes warnings to musicians are, have control over ALL your songs. Don’t let anyone tell you when and when not to make hits. And don’t sign.
Princes warnings to musicians are, have control over ALL your songs. Don’t let anyone tell you when and when not to make hits. And don’t sign.
You’re Going To Have To Control Your Own Music
You’re going to have to control your own music, unless of course you want to be a slave. Whether you you choose to write your own songs or have someone else write them for you, you’re going to have, to have control of your music.

This would be your best route to have control of your music. It will be hard to have control of a hundred percent of your music because of course everyone wants a cut of the money your songs will make.
All the way from Executives to Producers. To Record Labels to Digital Distributors.
Even radio D J’s want a little bit of the pie, often wanting you to pay them a small fee to even have your song in rotation on the radio or it will never be continuously played year after year, called Payola. Even though you’re not paying this fee, your record label might figure what they pay you, into the equation.
So if you want to write hit songs you must think about this. Do you just want to write a hit song and just get your payday and leave and let others in the music industry get most of the profit?
Do you want royalties forever every time someone plays your song? Meaning you get a percentage of money every time someone plays your song? When you get royalties your getting money in your mailbox. Or mailbox money as they like to say.
You’re going to have to control your own music, unless of course you want to be a slave.
So whatever avenue you want to go down on to make money, have fun writing hits. Seriously consider how to keep as much money as you can when selling your hit. Which leads me to my next point.
Get Your Music In The Right Hands Not The Wrong Hands
There are many voices out there that tell you how to make money selling your hits to the music industry. All the way to the internet, to books, to radio to podcasts and even many people in the streets.
You gotta be careful who you listen to or you will walk away with nothing or very little. Or you may even walk away with a huge cash cow of money in your quest to give someone your hit song or songs.
You gotta be careful who you listen to or you will walk away with nothing or very little. Or you may even walk away with a huge cash cow of money in your quest to give someone your hit song or songs.
I remember me and this guy at work were talking about this movie, in which this guy spends an enormous amount of time trying to get someone to buy his hit song that he created, he shows his hit song to this guy that is famous for getting hit songs to record companies, and then giving you a piece of the pie (money) in return for you giving him your hit song.

The famous music star guy tells the guy with the hit song that he will give it to the higher ups in the music industry, so they can listen to it and then he and him will get paid a lot of money for it, when it becomes a hit. He really assures him that he’s going to do it. And then when the person who wrote the hit song leaves, the guy with ties to the music industry just flushes the hit song down the toilet.
After awhile the person who wrote the hit song goes to use the toilet, only to find his hit song all busted up in the toilet with no chance for it to be saved because of all the shattered plastic and tape, all jacked up in all kinds of knots.

Guy with the hit song goes out of the bathroom to confront the guy who messed up his hit song, his only hit creation, something that he spent a lot of time working on getting it to the famous guy, who had ties to the music industry.
He in turns proceeds to beat the snot out of the famous guy who had ties to the music industry.
I don’t want this to happen to you after you make your hit song, only to have others reject it once you present it to them. I want you to have the best chance of having your hit song accepted, so that you can make some money off of it. So how do I do that? Well I’ll tell you how in the next titles below………
So How Am I Going To Make Money For My Hit Song?
It’s kinda easy to handle rejection in the music industry now. When before it hurt a whole heck of a lot more back then. Because it was more in your face as you dropped off your tapes to record executives in their offices or to their secretaries.
And if you could sense that they weren’t going to listen to it, it would hurt you but you kept moving on from corporate offices to offices, hoping someone would listen to your hit song(s). It was a lot of work but worth it, if someone listened to it.
But times are way, way easier now. With the invention of digital music, you can now just release your song to record executives digitally through the internet. Now if someone rejects you, there is no face to face encounter. Leaving a less stinging feeling of rejection.
You can also reach record executives by using YouTube. Make scorching hot songs, whether it is mellow or straight up rock and you’ll certainly get noticed by them, if it’s that good.
So how does that work? How does the digital hearing of your hit song to record executives work? Here’s how……
You can also reach record executives by using YouTube. Make scorching hot songs, whether it is mellow or straight up rock and you’ll certainly get noticed by them, if it’s that good. If it’s so good, there is no way it will be ignored.

Think about it, can you ignore the songs you like? Of course you can’t. And neither will the record executives or others be able to ignore your hit song(s) if it’s a great song.
Think about it, can you ignore the songs you like? Of course you can’t. And neither will the record executives or others be able to ignore your hit song(s) if it’s a great song.
What I’m saying here is true, was Justin Bieber able to be ignored by record executives or others on YouTube? No way! Was Soulja Boy able to be not noticed? Of course not!
People think the only way to make money on YouTube is by creating a hit song and then getting a lot of views on it and subscribers, which is true, you can make a lot of money doing it that way but it’s not the only way.
If you leave your wallet open, er, your ears open and search for how to suck YouTube dry of its money, you can find them. Another way is through YouTube…..
A Little Secret Of How To Become Famous And Make Some Money
Let me, let you, in on a little secret of how to become famous and make some money and get noticed by record executives for sure. But this only works if you’re an exceptional singer. And if you have a exceptional hit song of your own under your sleeve….
What you need to do is copy Tori Kelly, who put her songs on YouTube and her strategy was to play cover songs FIRST and make sure that they were great, real big hit songs that everyone would like and then bam! Immediately after that I would give them my own original hit song that I made up also. That way it would cause me to be noticed by record executives and others more.
And it worked because the songs she chose were great, real big songs. They were Justin Timberlake’s “Suit and Tie” and Frank Ocean’s “Thinking Bout You.” Both have been viewed millions of times. And her cover songs of these songs were viewed millions of times also. Which made everyone take notice of her. Including record executives.
Tori Kelly went on to make hit songs and was also nominated for the, “Best New Artist” Grammy award. She considers herself as a singer and a songwriter.
Also use YouTube as a fan base meaning use it as a platform where you can attract not only people that enjoy your songs but people who are absolutely crazy about you. These are people who are not ordinary fans but will talk of you to no end and will want to follow you every where you go.

Also use YouTube as a fan base meaning use it as a platform where you can attract not only people that enjoy your songs but people who are absolutely crazy about you.
They will dress the way you dress. They will in essence imitate you and such. It is these type of fans that will increase your popularity and increase your views way more than others and thus will make you more money.
So in in summary, what I just told you in this section is:
- Use YouTube as a platform to get noticed by record executives and others.
- Play real good cover hits first and then immediately play your original hits afterwards. And let the big exposure from those hits allow you to explode on YouTube.
- Establish a core fan base. People that are heads over hill over you. These are people who are not your ordinary fans. But are crazy, mad crazy about you. Treat these fans with the upmost respect and they will reward you with their fair treatment of you and attract crowds for you. You in turn will be rewarded for it by feeling happy that you made them happy and with the more views they attract for you, and thus making you more money.
Use Media Platforms To Sell Your Hits
You can also reach out to record executives by using MondoTunes.

What MondoTunes does is they place your music videos on different platforms of media such as: YouTube, Muzu.TV, Vidzone and more! Essentially saving you time from doing annoying things like, making sure your music is coded right. Registering your music for charting, and paying country and region fees etc. But there’s a price for them taking away your headaches from all these things. Which is a small price if your prone to be the type that likes to sit back and enjoy the stream of income that may result from making money from using their service. And being this way is the smart way of doing things as this allows you to concentrate more on making more music.
MondoTunes also places advertisements in front of your videos on YouTube, Muzu.TV, Vidzone and more. Allowing you to make more money from your music videos.
MondoTunes has been used by U2, One Republic, Lady Gaga, Maroon 5, EMINEM, and other megastars! It’s the world’s largest digital music distribution channel.
MondoTunes also will get your music distributed to hundreds of online retailers in 140+ countries. This will also save you the time and headache of doing this yourself.
MondoTunes has been used by U2, One Republic, Lady Gaga, Maroon 5, EMINEM, and other megastars! It’s the world’s largest digital music distribution channel.
Yes, using MondoTunes will get your hits on digital stores like Apple Music and Spotify in no time once you upload it.
You can check out the site yourself, as it has different prices for the services it offers at MondoTunes.com
Although if you go to MondoTunes.com to check how it works, just keep everything simple as you read there what to do, as this will make it very easy to understand what’s going on there.
MondoTunes can attract the attention of record executives if your songs are good enough. If you create enough buzz by your song being the bomb because if it’s good, then believe me, they will notice.
Now don’t think that because you use there advertising services, you’re going to be a instant success and your songs are gonna do good. It won’t work UNLESS your songs has both advertising and greatness. [Is the bomb.] You know what I mean.

MONDOTUNES IS CREATED BY MUSICIANS FOR MUSICIANS: Visit their website and see what they have to offer, when you get the chance.
Unconventional Ways Of Selling Your Songs
You can sell your songs by playing and selling your songs to session musicians and the people who perform with them. If you don’t mind selling your hit song with them, then go this route. Who says you can’t do it differently. It may work.
You just have to find a way to get them to hear your hit. Whether that’s by knowing their friends and telling their friends that you would like for a certain musician in the studio to hear your hit song.
Or by seeing if you can sit in on a session, asking them to hear your hit song and telling them they are going to like it and such. You never know…. I’m just trying to get you to think of ways to get your hits heard.

You can sell your songs by playing and selling your songs to session musicians and the people who perform with them.
Working on getting it heard in anyway you can think of can lead to success, if it a great song.
You know what they say is, if there is a will, there is a way….
Shoot! Get in the jingle playing session places and pitch your songs to them. What do you have to lose? Simply,… jingle session places are just places where people write and play jingles for their clients that need catchy songs for their commercials that they are making.
Another name for these places are Jingle Houses. Check them out!
You get involved in that and you’ll be raking in the cash.
Also a way that a lot of people never think of how to get in the music industry and make cash is they think TOO big. Well what do you mean? I thought you were supposed to think big…. well yes and no sometimes.
You see instead of going after Big independent labels, go after SMALLER independent labels. That way you have more of a chance of success of them using your music. And if they use your music, you’ll make money.

This is done old school.…were you send them your press pack and demos and interviews and reviews and such…. but who has time for all that?…. Hop on the digital bandwagon and save yourself some time from doing it by running around in your car and using leg work.
Just use digital means… and send your music to them digitally. Now every company has different ways, of the way you send them your music digitally. So find out how and wait for their response. If they like your music and it’s sent at the right time, to the right people, then you have a chance of them using you for your songs.
You best bet is when you send them your songs, your hits, is through their email. With the right music media attached to it so they can hear your hits.
Remember every company has different ways you email them so find out the ways that they want you to send them your songs and follow it to the tee.
Be nice in your emails and don’t act like you already know them unless you do because they hate that, when you do that. And you shouldn’t have any problems.
Yes this is tedious but it’s way easier than driving and walking around doing all this, if you do this process digitally. Take it one email at a time. Step by step.
You’re Going To Need Help To Sell Your Song
I don’t care who you are, you are going to need help to sell your songs. No one does it alone. Whether that is using YouTube, the internet, email sites, media files that hold your hit song etc. or the support of your family, your friends, your fans.

Remember to generate a lot of attention for yourself through groundbreaking music innovation, noteworthy performances, and your unique image. Generating fame with the help of the music industry and the greatness of your hit songs will usher you to greatness and wealth. And then the music industry will come to you and fans also.
Remember to generate a lot of attention for yourself.
You already know how to write one. Just make sure it’s arranged right. Your song is catchy. And that it rocks with tasty, great melodies.
The help? The help you need to work on making your voice better is to play and sing your hits by getting on stage and playing before people, to hone your skills.
Of course! Before you get on stage it is recommended to practice off stage first before you get ON STAGE but some prefer to hash out their skills on stage first for quick access to criticism from people so they can be corrected by them and use that advice to correct and change themselves into becoming a better singer. They feel this way is the quicker way to learn. And if it is, that’s cool.

Naturally have a great song already playing in your mind first and then by the time you get ready to sing and play it, it will come out of your mouth and instruments as great also. Remember quality in and quality out.
If the song sucks before it comes out your mouth, it will probably suck when it comes out your mouth. Or if the song sucks before you play your instrument, it will probably suck when it comes out your instrument.
Naturally have a great song already playing in your mind first and then by the time you get ready to sing and play it, it will come out of your mouth and instruments as great also. Remember quality in and quality out.
Having a good quality attitude before you play goes a long way when you get ready to play. Believe you can sing and play by practicing enough to where you believe it and then that belief will become your reality. And you’ll actually become great because, “As a man thinks, so is he.”
Practice wherever you can. Whenever you can.
Related Questions
What’s the best music distribution service?
- MondoTunes. …
- TuneCore. …
- CDBaby. …
- ReverbNation. …
- DistroKid. …
- Ditto Music. …
- Symphonic Distribution.
How can I sell my music online?
- Get your music on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music & more.
- Make big great hit songs, that are really hit songs.
- Keep your sales revenue of the music you place online.
- Attract music executives that will buy your music by having great hits.
- Send your hits through email to independent record labels.
How to submit a song for Spotify playlist consideration:
- Log in to Spotify for Artists on desktop, and find any unreleased music at the top of the Home or Profile tabs.
- Select GET STARTED next to the release you want to submit. …
- Choose a song from the release to submit.
- Fill out as much info about song as possible.
Photo credits:
Prince Photo courtesy of Scott Penner: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
MondoTunes logo image courtesy of: CBroombaugh: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
DEEJAY KLEAN Photo by One zone Studio on Unsplash