So you won’t get confused, I’ve made a very, very, short summary of it all:
This will make absolutely no sense to you if you didn’t read Part 1 and Part 2 of this, which are The New Way To Play Guitar By Ear Part 1 and The New Way To Play Guitar By Ear Part 2. So you need to read those first.
All You Need To Do
All you need to do is move around in the D chord areas that I talked about and also use The Busker Technique with it also.
Use your ears to tell which sections of the guitar you need to go to. Practice this all as you play along to the songs on the radio or YouTube also.
Sometimes the D chord areas of the guitar won’t work for playing the guitar by ear. Your gonna need to go OUT of the D chord areas sometimes. How you’re going to do this is by USING your ears to tell you where to go on the guitar.
Ask yourself what other chords do I need to play next that are not D chords. Your ears will tell you which ones they are by the high or low sound that you hear in your mind meaning if the chord SOUNDS higher, play higher up the neck of the guitar. If it SOUNDS lower play lower on the neck of the guitar. But find the right areas that you need to go to.
Now I’m not saying that this method I’m teaching here always works. I’m just telling you that this method works about 80% of the time. You’ll have to download my free ebook to learn the full method of how to play the guitar by ear, which you will find on the homepage of my website titled: FREE 50 PAGE EBOOK: PLAY GUITAR BY EAR ANY SONG. Or you can find it by clicking here.